Game Theory and Control

This page collects some educational material for the course 227-0694-00L Game Theory and Control that I have been offering at ETH Zurich in Fall for many years.
If you are an enrolled student, you should refer to the material posted on Moodle, as the course content may change from year to year.

This material is a continuous work in progress, and some parts may be missing important details or may contain mistakes. This is NOT an online course.

The Game Theory and Control course material © 2024 by Saverio Bolognani is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.

The purpose of this course

What do these tasks have in common?

All these questions can be answered with the tools of Game Theory. Many similar decision problems appear in engineering, and the course Game Theory and Control equips graduate students with the necessary tools for that.

Teaching material

The slides of the course are publicly available.

On similar topics, you can also have a look at our ICRA 2021 workshop on Game-theoretical Motion Planning.
Program - Video recordings - Monograph
