Past news and talks
25 September 2023 - First lecture of the Game Theory and Control course
We started by having students play the Karma Game, which was a lot of fun and showed how a carefully designed game can work surprisingly well at coordinating agents' decisions!
The teaching material for this course is also available here.
22 May 2023 - Last lecture of the new Computational Control course
An excellent guest lecture by Prof. Behcet Acikmese concludes the Computational Control course. We covered the basics of optimal control, MPC, data-driven control, and reinforcement learning. It was a lot of fun and an intense semester!
12 May 2023 - From behaviors and codes to intelligent network systems
A Workshop on the occasion of Fabio Fagnani's and Sandro Zampieri’s 60th birthdays
It was great to be back in Padova to celebrate Fabio and Sandro and to hear what their alumni are busy with!
10 December 2022 - Online Feedback Optimization is running on the Swiss grid!
The distribution grid of AEW Energie AG is currently being controlled by an online feedback optimization controller to provide better voltage quality, safer operation, and lower costs. This new control method has been developed in the last years in our lab, and most of the work was performed by our excellent students Adrian Hauswirth and Lukas Ortmann.
More info on these methods can be found here. Info about the projects that made this possible are here.
5 December 2022 - CDC Workshop on "Skills and Perspectives for Early Career Development"
For those of you that want to start their career in research and care about making their group diverse, respectful, and more attractive to the brightest minds. It's an exciting program with lot of great contributions, thanks to the organization work by Silvia Mastellone, Roy Smith, Dennice Gayme, Hideaki Ishii, Afef Fekih, and myself.
Visit for more information.
18 July 2022 - IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization
Tutorial "UNICORN - A Unified Control Framework for Real-Time Power System Operation"
Visit for slides, open access publications, videos, code.
20-23 June 2022 - EECI International Graduate School on Control
Module M19 "Control and Optimization of Autonomous Power Systems"
Lecturers: Florian Dörfler and Saverio Bolognani
The graduate school on Control and Optimization of Autonomous Power Systems just came to an end. It was an exciting full week of lessons at KTH Stockholm, made possible by the generous hospitality of our host Henrik Sandberg and by a great audience of motivated students.
The course website contains most of the material that we covered and will stay online for the time being.
9 May 2022 - NCCR Automation Symposium on Systems Theory of Algorithms
Iterative algorithms in optimization, games, and learning are dynamical systems with inputs, outputs, and uncertainty. The symposium explores the systems and control theory behind such algorithms shaping our reality.
My talk: "First-Order and Zeroth-Order Optimization Algorithms as Model-Free Feedback Controllers"
5-7 July 2022 - IFAC Conference on Networked Systems
NecSys22 will take place at ETH in Zurich next summer. It will feature a great list of plenary speakers, an IFAC Young Author Award spotlight presentation, and interactive poster sessions of contributed papers.
Visit for more information!
13 December 2021 - Workshop at IEEE CDC 2021
Workshop "Towards a Systems Theory for Optimization Algorithms"
at the 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Workshop website, slides, video
3 December 2021 - TecDays presentation in Lugano
Gioele Zardini, Nicolas Lanzetti, and I contributed to the TecDays event at the Liceo Lugano 2 with an interactive activity on game theory, future mobility, mathematical models of equilibria and competition, and more. Thank you to Giuseppe Belgioioso and Christian Hartnik for their help!
25 October 2021 - Tutorial at IEEE SmartGridComm 2021
Lukas Ortmann and I will present the results of our UNICORN project in the tutorial "A Unified Control Framework for Real-Time Power System Operation" at IEEE SmartGridComm 2021. The tutorial is offered online, but registration is needed. More...
8 September 2021 - NREL Workshop on Resilient Autonomous Energy Systems
Invited talk: "A Feedback Optimization Approach to Resilient Power System Operation" at the Virtual Workshop on Resilient Autonomous Energy Systems organized by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Joint work with Lukas Ortmann, Miguel Picallo, Florian Dörfler.
NCCR Automation Seminar Series
The NCCR Automation is organizing a series of seminars with distinguished international speakers. For more information, visit . Past Control Seminar Series flyers are still available.
26 July 2021 - IEEE PES General Meeting
See my 5-minute presentation of our paper
"Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Look-Ahead Economic Dispatch"
Bala Kameshwar Poolla, Ashish R. Hota, Saverio Bolognani, Duncan S. Callaway, Ashish Cherukuri
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, ( Volume: 36, Issue: 3, May 2021) - doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3034488 - preprint
31 May 2021 - ICRA 2021 Tutorial "Game Theoretical Motion Planning"
In this tutorial, we cover the Game Theory concepts that are the most relevant for motion planning and autonomous driving, and the latest research directions. Joint work with Alessandro Zanardi, Andrea Censi, and Emilio Frazzoli.
28 September 2020 - EECI International Graduate School on Control
Module M11 "Control and Optimization of Autonomous Power Systems"
Lecturers: Florian Dörfler and Saverio Bolognani
Registration: EECI Website