227-0216-00 Computational Control
Enrolled students should get all their info from Moodle. Everybody else can look at the public Computational Control page.
227-0694-00 Game Theory and Control
Game theory is the study of strategic decision making, and was originally used to solve problems in economics. In this course, we study concepts and methods in non-cooperative game theory and show how these can be used to solve control design problems, emphasizing their possible use in control systems, robotics, and engineering applications.
On similar topics, you can also have a look at our ICRA 2021 workshop on Game-theoretical Motion Planning.
Program - Video recordings - Monograph
These slides are a continuous work in progress, and new versions will be posted as soon as they are available.
Some parts may be missing important details that I typically cover at the blackboard.
Students enrolled in the course at ETH should refer to the material posted on Moodle, as the content of the course may change from year to year.
M.Sc. theses and semester projects
Open proposals
You can see my open thesis proposal on Sirop.
Past theses and semester projects
Final reports are available on the ETH Research Collection.
Giulia Pejrani, "Integration of Dynamic Security Assessment into Capacity Expansion Planning of Low-Inertia Power Grids," 2024.
Ereo Öner, "Data-driven Time Series Modelling for Next-gen HVAC Systems," 2024
Nando Waser, "Radial Electrical Grid Topology Reconstructions using Voltage Magnitude Measurements", 2023
Marlais Lüthi, "Topology Identification of Simulated Grids and the Walenstadt Distribution Network", 2023
Sylvain Fricker, "Strategically Robust Game Theory via Optimal Transport", 2023.
Oliver Hüsser, "Congestion control in transmission grids via hierarchical feedback optimization", 2023
Giulia Pejrani, "Competitive congestion control in transmission grids", 2023
Boubacar Bangoura, " Optimal wind power nomination via distributionally robust optimization", 2023
Christian Hartnik, "Game-theoretic modeling and analysis of multimodal transportation systems", 2022
Gianni Hotz, "Online feedback optimization for emergency power system operation", 2021
Maximilian Degner, "Online feedback optimization for gas compressors", 2021
Jonas Matt, "Online feedback optimization for minimal curtailment of renewable generation with real data", 2021
Ezzat Elokda, "Karma games - A decentralized, efficient and fair resource allocation scheme", 2020
Verena Häberle, "Non-convex feedback optimization with input and output constraints for power system applications", 2020
Ashwin Venkatraman, "Real-time control of power systems for voltage collapse prevention", 2018
Sandeep Menta, "Feedback optimisation of linear time invariant systems", 2018
Christos Konstantinopoulos, "Integration of PV units in the primary and secondary control ancillary services in Switzerland", 2018
David Rodriguez Flores, "Time domain performance metrics in optimal inertia placement", 2017
Felix Böwing, "Optimal nonlinear frequency control in power systems", 2017
Liviu Aolaritei, "A decentralized voltage collapse distance for power distribution networks," 2017
József Pázmány, "Constrained optimization over manifolds for power system application," 2017
Elena Arcari, "Fast chance-constrained optimization using real-time measurements with applications to power systems," 2017
Philipp Lütolf, "Optimal placement of virtual damping and inertia," 2017
Alessandro Zanardi, "Constrained optimization over manifolds for power system application," 2016
Jan Schulze, "Peer-to-peer clock synchronization in wireless sensor networks," 2016
Panagiotis Kyriakis, "Formation of robust networks for secure exchange of cryptocurrencies," 2016
Felix Kottmann, "Computational load and congestion control in cloud environments," 2015
Dalibor Drzajic, "Energy theft detection using compressive sensing methods," 2015