
Saverio Bolognani

Automatic Control Laboratory
ETH Zurich

Physikstrasse 3, ETL K 13.2, CH-8092 Zurich
Email: - PGP key

ORCID 0000-0002-7935-1385 - Google Scholar

About me

I am a Senior Scientist in Prof. Florian Dörfler's group, at the Automatic Control Laboratory of ETH Zurich.

I am passionate about applications of networked control theory to complex systems like power grids and autonomous mobility. I care about the efficiency of these systems, but also their fairness. I am currently looking into the intersection between nonlinear optimization and feedback control design, and I always like to learn more about control theory, distributed optimization, stochastic optimization, and game theory.

Go to CV - Publications - Research projects - Teaching - Misc

News and latest talks

16 September 2024 - Welcome Jonas Matt!

Jonas joins the team of the MAESTRO project and will look into the problem of procurement of complex grid ancillary services from power distribution grids. More info...

16 September 2024 - Welcome Ilia Shilov!

Co-supervised by Heinrich Nax and me, Ilia will look into the problem of "Multi-agent control with limited interpersonal comparability" via an NCCR Automation collaborative project. More info...

9 September 2024 - Group Retreat

Three days of discussions, soul searching, team building, and fun in Florian's group retreat at Blausee, in canton Bern.

11 January 2024 - Watt d'Or 2024 Award

Together with Lukas Ortmann, Florian Dörfler, and the power distribution company AEW, we received the Watt D'Or award by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy.

More info is in the ETH Zurich article, the NCCR Automation article, and the official Watt D'Or award page.

18 November 2023 - ETH Golden Owl Award

ETH Zurich awarded me with the Golden Owl for excellence in teaching. The Owl is awarded by the VSETH, ETH Zurich’s students association.

I am indebted to Nicolas Lanzetti Keith Moffat Sophie Hall and Alberto Padoan for their immense and generous help while serving as Teaching Assistants for the course!


Ezzat Elokda
Ph.D. Student

Zhiyu He
Ph.D. Student

Antonia Holsten
Ph.D. Student

Jonas Matt
Ph.D. Student

Kai Zhang
Ph.D. Student

Past co-supervised students

Sponsors of my research